Go supremacy! Go vs Other languages

Go supremacy! Go vs Other languages


3 min read


The newbie programming language is an open-source and compiled programming language for building efficient and scalable applications that would last over a long period of time.

Why Go?

1 . Easy to learn

Go is easy to learn and has a large active community that is used in many domains such as backend development, cloud computing, and more interestingly DevOps.

2. Faster than other

It is suitable for distributed systems and the reason for its fast speed is that it doesn't rely on a virtual machine for compilation it is directly compiled from its binary file.

3.Simple and powerful

Go has an easy syntax so it is not a very difficult task to learn it can be learned in a short time but don't underestimate its power because of its simplicity go has a powerful role in this modern industry it is used in developing APIs and making Web servers.

How Go looks like?

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello World!")

The fmt stands for the format package that is used to format basic strings, values, inputs, and outputs. It can also be used to print and write from the terminal.

Go has been compared to scripting languages like Python in its ability to satisfy many common programming needs. Some of this functionality is built into the language itself, such as “goroutines” for concurrency and threadlike behavior, while additional capabilities are available in Go standard library packages, like Go’s http package.#Go also provides automatic memory management

Why Go is widely supported?

The go toolchain is freely available in every os and you can also use this in a docker container. Go is also added by default to many Linux distributions such as Red hat and fedora and go is also strong in many IDEs.

Where Go is used most and works best?

Cloud-native development

Go's concurrency networking and portability features make it well-suited for cloud-native apps. Even go was used in building much cloud-native computing including Docker, Kubernetes, and Istio.

Distrubuted network services

Network applications live and die by concurrency, and Go’s native concurrency features— goroutines and channels, mainly—are well suited for such work.Consequently, many Go projects are for networking, distributed functions, and cloud services: APIs, web servers, minimal frameworks for web application, and the like.

Obstacles of Go

Go is designed to err on the side of being small and easy to understand that's some features are ommited . The result is that some features that are commonplace in other languages simply aren’t available in Go—on purpose.One longstanding complaint was the lack of generic functions, which allow a function to accept many different types of variables.Yet another touted feature of Go, automatic memory management, can be seen as a drawback, as garbage collection requires a certain amount of processing overhead. By design, Go doesn't provide manual memory management, and garbage collection in Go has been criticized for not dealing well with the kinds of memory loads that appear in enterprise applications.


GoLang came as a massive value addition to the programming of complex applications underlying performance-savvy hardware systems and large scalable enterprise software systems. No wonder, within a few years it received such a vast following from developers around the globe.